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Our Story

How it all started!

Living Out Loud, Inc. was established in March 2004 by a group of inspiring and compassionate women entrepreneurs whose strong belief was to advocate that people with disabilities have a voice in expressing and guiding their life journeys.


From 2004-2007, the group’s major activities were to continue to position themselves in leadership roles in order to develop personnel policies, administrative procedures, accounting budget systems, and monitor system changes so that the organization could operate on solid ground.


In 2007, Living Out Loud, Inc. received a license from Maryland State Department of Education to provide support services to children with Autism.


From 2009 to 2011, Living Out Loud, Inc. expanded its services to become a state-approved after-school provider of Supplemental Education Services (SES) in Baltimore City and Baltimore County.  Through our SES after-school program, we provided tutoring services for students with developmental and intellectual disabilities.


From 2011 to 2013, Living Out Loud, Inc. continued to provide informal resources to people with Autism. In addition, the leadership team worked tirelessly to continue their advocacy for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by  working closely with DDA representatives, families and stakeholders to design a self-directed model to include person centered planning.


Living Out Loud, Inc. received licensure to become a DDA Provider Organization in 2013. This allowed us to provide services to over 25 individuals under their Personal Support Service Model.  In addition, the agency received approval by DDA and OHCQ in  2017 to expand its services to those individuals interested in Vocational and Employment Services under the Home and Community Pathways waivers.

Living Out Loud, Inc.


8508 Loch Raven Blvd Suite F Towson, MD 21286 US

Copyright © 2019 Living Out Loud, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.

Website By KTW Marketing

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